Is it cheaper to paint or powder coat?

Generally speaking, the cost of a single application of paint is less than the cost of a single application of powder coating. But overall, the cost of painting is not necessarily cheaper than the cost of powder coating. When it comes to factors such as service life, overall spray equipment purchase costs, and maintenance costs after the spraying project, powder coating may be more cost-effective than paint spraying.

Table of Contents

What is the cost of paint spraying?

What is the cost of powder coating spraying?

Comparing the cost of a single spraying, the non-cost of paint spraying is lower than the cost of powder coating. However, from the perspective of long-term use cost, since powder coating does not require frequent maintenance and waste material disposal, the comprehensive use cost may be similar to that of paint spraying, and may even be lower than the cost of paint spraying.

Author Introduction
jack zhou


Doctor of Chemical Engineering, expert in the field of powder coatings, with over 20 years of professional experience in the research and application of powder coatings


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